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產品名稱 會員名稱 描述
Rensen OPC Office Link Rensen Information Services Ltd ?
Royalty-Free ANSI C OPC UA Server Stack, Toolkit & SDK Real Time Automation For more information call +1 800 249 1612
435UA - OPC UA to ASCII Interface Real Time Automation The 435UA is a bidirectional ASCII to OPC UA gateway that moves ASCII serial data between a serial device and any OPC UA Client application. Move label data from your ERP System to an OPC UA Printer. Move barcodes into an Oracle database. Move weigh data
EMOS? R2 ?
Puerto UaMonitor for Excel Puerto Co., Ltd. ?
Operator Excellence Manager Protomation BV Protomation's Operator Training Simulators are built upon Process Studio applications and enable you to train your process operators even before your plant is commisioned, preparing them for the real thing! Using our generic emulated environment or linked
Process Studio Protomation BV Process Studio contains several OPC DA servers and clients that allow for direct connection to any DCS supporting OPC DA.
Prosys OPC UA Modbus Server Prosys OPC Ltd OPC UA Modbus Server supports Modbus communication both over TCP/IP and serial port communication.
Prosys OPC UA Historian Prosys OPC Ltd Many data sources, such as PLCs, aren't able to create a history by themselves. OPC UA Historian solves this problem.
Prosys OPC Server Prosys OPC Ltd ?
Prosys OPC Client Prosys OPC Ltd ?
Prosys OPC to Database Prosys OPC Ltd ?
Prosys Sentrol OPC UA & Classic SDK for Delphi - Toolkit Prosys OPC Ltd Client Binary
Prosys OPC UA Client for Android Prosys OPC Ltd Prosys OPC UA Client is built using the Prosys OPC UA SDK for Java, which fully supports developing OPC UA applications for Android.
Prosys OPC UA Simulation Server Prosys OPC Ltd OPC UA Simulation Server supports the following features:
Prosys OPC UA Browser Prosys OPC Ltd Prosys OPC UA Browser is available for all major operating systems (Windows, Linux, macOS).
Prosys OPC UA SDK for Java - Toolkit Prosys OPC Ltd Client Binary, Client Source, Client & Server Binary, Client & Server Source.
Regul R500 Programmable Logic Controller Prosoft - Systems The REGUL R500 offers:
Movicon 11 Progea SRL ?
Platform.NExT I/O Data Server Progea SRL By using these new technologies the system architecture is able to support?efficient data models and?drastically reduce design engineering time by applying?all engineering information to tags that are then?propagated to the?connected objects.