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產品名稱 會員名稱 描述
Apis OPC UA Software Development Kit Prediktor AS ?
Apis Process Explorer Prediktor AS ?
Apis Modframe Prediktor AS ?
Apis Hive Prediktor AS ?
Apis OPC Historian Prediktor AS ?
PLCnext Controller AXC F 2152 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG ?
Lightning current measuring system - LM-S-A/C-3S-ETH Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG ?
PC WORX UA SERVER-PLC 80 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG ?
PC WORX UA SERVER-PLC 40 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG ?
PI Interface for OPC DA OSIsoft, LLC ?
VISU+ Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG The visualization interface is the interface for interactions between human and machine.
FL SNMP OPC AGENT V3 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG ?
FL SNMP OPC SERVER V3 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG ?
AX OPC SERVER Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG ?
Ha-VIS UHF RFID reader RF-R310 peraMIC GmbH & Co. KG ?
Peakboard Peakboard GmbH The Peakboard directly accesses a data source via WLAN or LAN, aggregates the data for visualization and transmits it via HDMI cable to the desired (large) screen, for example in logistics, production or administration. Possible data sources range from ma
konektilo | Two-way OPC-UA to REST Translator partnaer.core GmbH The?two-way OPC-UA to REST Translator.?
OPC Server Transfer Service (OSTS?) Owl Cyber Defense Solutions, LLC ?
PI Connector for OPC UA OSIsoft, LLC ?
GROOV-AR1 Opto 22 Using only a modern web browser, groov lets you quickly and securely build and deploy browser-based interfaces for automation, monitoring, and control applications. These operator interfaces can then be viewed on almost any computer or mobile device regar