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產品名稱 會員名稱 描述
PicoOPC for .NET - Minimalistic OPC UA Client Library OPC Labs Visit PicoOPC product page, or browse the documentation.
Excel Option for QuickOPC OPC Labs The Excel Option for QuickOPC allows you to set up a communication link between Excel and any OPC server. It is possible to subscribe to and view real-time data, and also write the data back. No programming, macros or add-ins are necessary. With just drag
StreamInsight Option for QuickOPC OPC Labs More information
.NET And COM Client Toolkit: QuickOPC OPC Labs QuickOPC OPC client tools provide a radically new approach to access OPC data. Traditionally, OPC?required complicated code, no matter whether you used OPC custom or automation interfaces. OPC Server objects must be instantiated, OPC Group objects must be
OPC UA C++ SDK One-Way Automation Inc. Primary target and narrow specialization of this SDK are high performance OPC UA applications running in PC or cloud environment. It is resource unpretentious and can run in lower end hardware such as Raspberry PI though.
Visual Logger for OPC One-Way Automation Inc. ?
Omron NX1 Machine Automation Controller OMRON Corporation Seamless Integration: Production Line & IT systems
Sysmac NJ-series Machine Automation Controller OMRON Corporation NJ501 series PLC?is now officially certified by OPC Foundation and embeds OPC UA server as a standard feature.
NETx Voyager 5.0 NETxAutomation Software GmbH Product features:
NETx KNX OPC Server 3.5 NETxAutomation Software GmbH Due to the powerful server engine and its scalability, the NETx KNX OPC Server 3.5 proved itself as a standard solution for KNX projects of all sizes and types - from smart homes up to large enterprise buildings. Thanks to the easy to use NETx KNX OPC Stu
NETx BMS Server 2.0 NETxAutomation Software GmbH The processed datapoints are then provided to management clients via open interfaces. In addition to providing web based visualizations via the embedded web server, the NETx BMS Server 2.0 can serve any amount of NETx clients (e.g. NETx Voyager, NETx MaRS
NAPCON Informer - Process Historian Neste Engineering Solutions Oy NAPCON Informer is fully scalable data handling solution for fetching, gathering verifying, combining and analyzing data from various sources within the process industry. It opens possibilities to exploit the real time process data combined with process h
LabVIEW OPC UA API National Instruments For more information please see the?Connect LabVIEW to Any PLC Webcast
NI OPC Servers National Instruments For more information please see the?Connect LabVIEW to Any PLC Webcast
Monokot Server Administrator Monokot ?
Monokot OPC UA Server Monokot ?
Modigm OPC UA Embedded Modigm Inc. ?
Modigm OPC UA Client ToolKit Modigm Inc. ?
Modigm OPC UA Server Modigm Inc. ?
GT SoftGOT2000 Version1 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation GT SoftGOT2000 acts as an OPC UA client.